GEBG Resource Library

Contains an abundance of resources shared by member schools, including forms, policies, handbooks, vetting checklists, curriculum and articles. GEBG Benchmark Data reports and analysis are also uploaded to the Resource Library. GEBG member schools have continuous access to and download ability from this wealth of knowledge.

The GEBG Resource Library is provided to member schools as a member benefit. Any member of a GEBG school can request access through the link below.

Annotated Guide to Global Education

As an organization that gathers model practices in order to establish benchmarks in support of schools that want to improve their global education programs, the GEBG, over the course of many years, developed six areas of focus to guide members in their work:

  • Vision and Purpose
  • Governance and Leadership
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Stakeholder Communications
  • Program Management
  • Risk Management

Included within each of the above categories are 3-7 benchmarks by which schools can assess their own practices in relation to those of peer schools and to set goals for program development over time. The GEBG currently uses these to guide professional learning opportunities, school evaluations and endorsements, and our own development as an organization.

We have developed a publication that intends to provide GEBG Members with a version of these standards and practices that includes further explanation of what the standards mean, provides examples of what they look like in member schools, and includes guidance on how school leaders might self-assess and begin to develop and improve their own programming.

We hope that An Annotated Guide to Global Education: Standards and Practices from the GEBG Community will become an essential resource for all leaders of global education programs and a testament to the groundbreaking and inspiring work of the GEBG Community.

As an organization dedicated to providing professional learning and resources to member schools at far below market rate, we are proud to be selling this resource for $35 plus the cost of shipping.

Browse the Annotated Guide‘s Table of Contents, Preface, Acknowledgements, and Introduction to the right.


Intercultural Dialogue: A Field Guide for Educators & Schools

This over 100-page publication, the first of its kind in the K-12 Global Education field, helps educators and student leaders seeking to bring dialogue into their classrooms and programs access model practices that help their students and peers learn competencies like perspective-taking and intercultural communication. 22 schools from within the GEBG Network have contributed to this publication; from those 22 schools, 22 school educator-leaders and 54 student leaders were directly involved in the drafting of various sections of the publication throughout the course of the past two years. This publication is available for purchase below.


Tools and resources for developing global competency-based curriculum across the school.

This global curriculum design toolkit reflects GEBG’s mission to support member schools to bring global perspectives, global issues, and global competencies into their teaching and learning to empower their students as global citizens. This free toolkit for member schools was developed over a number of years in response to requests for a resource to support classroom teachers as they seek to develop this kind of curricula, in the classroom and beyond.

Toolkit Contents


Distinguishing a “Global” Curriculum

What do we mean by curriculum? What distinguishes a learning experience as “global”?
What can it look like when a curriculum integrates global content and/or global competencies?

Global Competencies as Curricular Goals

Identifying Competencies and Learning Outcomes;
Guiding Questions for Designing Competency-Driven Global Experiences

Backward-Designing Experiences around Global Competencies

Global Curriculum Development Template;
Post-Lesson Reflection and Goal-Setting Template

Evaluating and Further Developing a Global Curriculum

A Rubric for Evaluating Competency-Driven Global Curricula;
Considerations of a Global Curriculum: A Self-Assessment and Development Tool

Sample Curriculum from Schools
Glossary & Resources

Everything at GEBG is developed with the support of the network’s collaborative “hive mind.” However, for this text, particular thanks go to Manjula Salomon; Adrianna Truby, Palmer Trinity School (FL); Karina Baum, Buckingham Browne & Nichols School (MA); Melody Fox-Ahmed and Eva Cavaleri, National Cathedral School (D.C.); Laura Bowe, Aman Samra, and Emily Decker, King School (CT); and Melissa Brown and Kelly Randall, Holton-Arms Schools (MD), as well as to the primary author, Chad Detloff, GEBG’s Director of Professional Learning and Curriculum.

Member schools can access this toolkit in the resource library. For non-members interested in ordering a copy please email


Every year, GEBG publishes our annual magazine Interconnected.