Tools and resources for developing global competency-based curriculum across the school.
This global curriculum design toolkit reflects GEBG’s mission to support member schools to bring global perspectives, global issues, and global competencies into their teaching and learning to empower their students as global citizens. This free toolkit for member schools was developed over a number of years in response to requests for a resource to support classroom teachers as they seek to develop this kind of curricula, in the classroom and beyond.
Toolkit Contents
Distinguishing a “Global” Curriculum
What do we mean by curriculum? What distinguishes a learning experience as “global”?
What can it look like when a curriculum integrates global content and/or global competencies?
Global Competencies as Curricular Goals
Identifying Competencies and Learning Outcomes;
Guiding Questions for Designing Competency-Driven Global Experiences
Backward-Designing Experiences around Global Competencies
Global Curriculum Development Template;
Post-Lesson Reflection and Goal-Setting Template
Evaluating and Further Developing a Global Curriculum
A Rubric for Evaluating Competency-Driven Global Curricula;
Considerations of a Global Curriculum: A Self-Assessment and Development Tool
Sample Curriculum from Schools
Glossary & Resources
Everything at GEBG is developed with the support of the network’s collaborative “hive mind.” However, for this text, particular thanks go to Manjula Salomon; Adrianna Truby, Palmer Trinity School (FL); Karina Baum, Buckingham Browne & Nichols School (MA); Melody Fox-Ahmed and Eva Cavaleri, National Cathedral School (D.C.); Laura Bowe, Aman Samra, and Emily Decker, King School (CT); and Melissa Brown and Kelly Randall, Holton-Arms Schools (MD), as well as to the primary author, Chad Detloff, GEBG’s Director of Professional Learning and Curriculum.